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Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)
2-Week Rehabilitation Program Post Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment for Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)
This rehabilitation program aims to facilitate healing, restore mobility, and gradually strengthen the forearm muscles while protecting the tendon during recovery.
General Guidelines
Protect the elbow: Avoid heavy lifting, gripping, or repetitive wrist/forearm activities in the initial days.
Pain management: Use ice or heat therapy as needed for discomfort.
Gradual progression: Perform all exercises in a pain-free range, progressing intensity as tolerated.
Monitor symptoms: Discontinue exercises if sharp pain or swelling occurs and consult your healthcare provider.
Week 1: Pain Management and Gentle Mobility
Minimize pain and inflammation
Restore gentle range of motion (ROM)
Prevent stiffness
Day 1–3: Rest and Recovery
Rest the affected arm and avoid activities that strain the forearm muscles (e.g., gripping, typing, lifting).
Use a brace or strap if recommended to reduce strain on the tendon.
Pain Management:
Apply ice packs for 15–20 minutes, 2–3 times daily, to reduce inflammation.
Gentle massage around the lateral elbow and forearm to improve circulation (avoid the injection site).
Passive Range of Motion (PROM):
Elbow Flexion and Extension: Slowly bend and straighten the elbow to a comfortable range. (10 reps, 2 sets)
Wrist Flexion and Extension Stretch: Use the opposite hand to gently stretch the wrist into flexion and extension. Hold for 15 seconds. (3 reps each direction)
Day 4–7: Initiating Mobility and Isometric Strengthening
Mobility Exercises:
Wrist Rotations: Slowly rotate the wrist in small circles, clockwise and counterclockwise. (10 reps each direction, 2 sets)
Wrist Extension Stretch: With the palm facing down, gently pull back on the hand using the opposite hand to stretch the extensor muscles. Hold for 15 seconds. (3 reps)
Isometric Strengthening:
Isometric Wrist Extension: Place the back of your hand against a wall or resistance (e.g., your other hand) and push gently without movement. (Hold for 5–10 seconds, 5 reps)
Isometric Forearm Supination: Place your palm facing up under light resistance (e.g., a light object) and push gently without movement. (Hold for 5 seconds, 5 reps)
Postural Awareness:
Maintain an upright posture during daily activities to minimize stress on the elbow.
Week 2: Progressive Strengthening and Functional Mobility
Improve forearm and wrist strength
Enhance elbow stability
Prepare for functional activities
Day 8–10: Active Mobility and Strengthening
Active Range of Motion (AROM):
Wrist Flexion and Extension: Perform gentle wrist curls and reverse wrist curls without weight or with very light resistance. (10 reps, 2 sets)
Elbow Supination and Pronation: Slowly rotate the forearm palm up and palm down. (10 reps, 2 sets)
Theraband Wrist Extension: Attach a resistance band to a stable surface. Pull the band upward using wrist extension. (10 reps, 3 sets)
Theraband Supination/Pronation: Attach a resistance band and rotate the forearm against the resistance. (10 reps, 3 sets)
Grip Strengthening: Squeeze a soft stress ball or therapeutic putty. (10 squeezes, 2 sets)
Dynamic Stability:
Radial/Ulnar Deviation: Hold a light weight and gently tilt the wrist side-to-side. (10 reps, 2 sets)
Hammer Rotations: Hold a hammer or light object and perform controlled forearm rotations. (10 reps, 2 sets)
Day 11–14: Functional Strength and Endurance
Strength and Stability:
Eccentric Wrist Extension: Hold a light dumbbell, lower it slowly (eccentric phase), and use the other hand to return to the starting position. (10 reps, 2 sets)
Eccentric Supination: Use a light weight to rotate the forearm palm up, lowering slowly. (10 reps, 2 sets)
Functional Mobility:
Light Gripping Activities: Practice gripping light objects such as a small water bottle or handle. (5–10 reps, 2 sets)
Forearm Plank on Knees: Engage forearm and shoulder muscles with a modified plank. (Hold for 10–15 seconds, 2–3 reps)
Endurance Training:
Incorporate light aerobic exercises like walking or stationary biking for 15–20 minutes daily.
Additional Recommendations
Pain Management: Transition to heat therapy if stiffness becomes more prominent.
Hydrotherapy: Perform exercises in warm water to reduce joint stress and improve flexibility.
Ergonomic Adjustments: Modify work or daily tasks to avoid repetitive stress on the elbow and wrist.