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Adipose Cell Therapy (ASCT)

What is ASCT?

Adipose Cell Therapy (ASCT) is an innovative treatment for degenerative injuries. It uses the body’s natural healing process to accelerate and enhance recovery.

The adipose-derived cell is safer and easily accessible compared to other cell alternatives. Dr. Peter Lewis and the Surecell team are the most experienced PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) and ASCT doctors in Australia.

What does the process involve?

The doctor will harvest the adipose cells from your belly fat using a liposuction technique.

  • A nurse will take your blood (like a normal blood test), which will be spun in a centrifuge to isolate the plasma component. This plasma is rich in platelets and growth factors.

  • The PRP is mixed with the adipose cells and activated under light before being injected into the site of the injury with a local anaesthetic.


The process takes around 2 hours in total.

How does it work?

The adipose-derived cells promote growth and regeneration by releasing growth factors, which stimulate cells to multiply and form new tissue.

The cells and growth factors also work by reducing the “oedema” or bruising of underlying bone which allows better blood flow to the cartilage. This means more nutrients such as oxygen to help the cartilage heal.

ASCT is much more potent than PRP and lasts longer, meaning more severe cases hold better results.

prp arthritis

What can be treated with adipose-derived cells?

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Muscle, ligament, and tendon injuries, including tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) or golfer’s elbow (medial epicondylitis)

  • Degenerative knee conditions 

How should I prepare for my appointment?

Where possible, avoid sugar rich foods. Anti-inflammatory drugs (eg. Cortisone, Nurofen) should be avoided for 2-3 days before and after treatment.

It is essential that you stop taking blood thinners (eg. Aspirin). Dr. Lewis also recommends that you stop taking fish-oil and cholesterol-lowering medication a week before the cells are harvested, however this will be discussed in your initial consultation.

For better results, visit the hyperbaric chamber facility available at our Malvern clinic.

What should I do post-treatment?

Following the initial ASCT treatment, you will be provided with exercises and advice specific to your injury/problem area. Please also avoid high impact activities and running if your treatment involves the lower limbs.

We suggest undergoing a rehabilitation program designed by one of our exercise physiologists or your regular therapist. This can be organised through any of our clinics or your doctor.

Please note

As Adipose Cells are taken from your own body, there are no risks of disease transmission or allergic reactions. There is also no chance of the cells causing cancer, as adipose cells are adult cells.

Sometimes ASCT may aggravate the inflammatory response, causing a temporary increase in pain and swelling of the injured area. There may also be a local pressure effect from the injection of the fluid. These effects should subside within a few days.

There may also be some pain, discomfort, and/or bruising in the area of cell collection during and for several days after the treatment. Improvement is expected to be gradual over several weeks. A small number of patients may experience a significant pain reaction and require painkillers. If this occurs, please contact the doctor.

For further information on our services, feel free to contact Surecell Australia on (03) 9822 9996 or email us at and we will ensure a staff member will assist with your query.

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