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Important Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update from Dr Peter Lewis

In response to the current pandemic, the following measures have now been implemented in our clinics:

  • We will be managing COVID-19 cases by video-conference consultations. We have allocated slots for video consultations daily. Call Surecell on 9822 9996 or ReCreation Medical on 9509 5922 to organise a video consultation. Video consultations are subsidised by Medicare rebate.

  • If you are displaying symptoms of COVID-19 or have any related concerns, do not come to our clinic. Instead, book a video consultation with one of our doctors. They will screen you and advise you on the next step.

  • Due to the uncertainty that surrounds the virus, patients who feel that they may need PRP in the foreseeable future should book in now before the virus hits in earnest. Complete priority will be given to our regular patients over the age of 70 while it is still relatively safe to travel and attend the clinic.

  • Rapid testing for COVID-19 is available at our Malvern clinic. Priority for testing is given to patients who present symptoms consistent with the virus and healthcare workers.

We are taking these steps to protect our most vulnerable population (i.e. the elderly and those with pre-existing medical conditions) who require our services for their ongoing medical needs. We would like to remind everyone to practice good public health habits, including maintaining social distancing, frequent washing of hands, and staying home if sick.  Sincerely, Dr Peter Lewis and team

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Membro desconhecido
18 de set. de 2021

is IVM or HCQ available as a treatment protocol if a patient request it and accepts responsibility?

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