We tend to search for ‘quick fixes’ for our aches and pains, but it is important to try achievable lifestyle changes before we resort to medical and surgical interventions. There are numerous treatments for worn-out knees and hips which don’t require you to see a doctor. Read on to learn more about osteoarthritis and how to manage it with exercise.
What is osteoarthritis (OA)?
OA is a common cause of pain and altered joint function in adults.(1) The knee is the most common joint affected.(2) OA was previously considered to be the result of ‘wear and tear’, but current research suggests that underlying inflammation affects all components of the joint, including joint surface cartilage, nearby bone, the joint capsule and surrounding soft tissues.(3) Damage to the joint organ manifests as worsening pain, tenderness, reduced range of motion, bony swelling, joint deformity and instability.(4) Fortunately, long-term regular exercise can improve joint pain and function.
Exercise as treatment for OA
A large review of the scientific literature concluded with reasonable confidence that adherence to an exercise program improves knee pain and function in OA. Generally, exercise should be low-impact, including a mix of aerobic fitness work and strength training.(5, 6)

Aerobic exercise
Low-impact aerobic exercise includes activities such as walking, cycling, rowing, swimming and other water-based activities. The Australian Department of Health recommends that adults are “active on most, preferably all, days every week” due to exercise’s positive long-term effects on your general health.(7)
Strength training
Evidence also suggests that resistance training (with bands and weights) and Tai Chi are beneficial in OA management.(8-11) These forms of strength training can improve balance, bone density and muscle mass, reducing the risk of falls, osteopenia (brittle bones) and sarcopenia (muscle wasting).(12-16)

At Surecell, we recommend trying a variety of exercises to manage your OA. Settling on a routine of enjoyable aerobic and strength training on most days will benefit your general health and improve symptoms of OA.
Support available at Surecell
If you are looking for a tailored exercise program, we offer exercise physiology, personal training and gym facilities, as well as medical treatments like platelet-rich plasma injections. Feel free to contact our friendly staff on 03 9822 9996, or send us an enquiry here.
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